Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Arte y pico

Well it's been awhile, hasn't it? It's hard to get back into the swing of blogging once you stop, I've found. The computer can take up a vast amount of time, but so can life.

The lovely Ascender Rises Above gave me an award. The award is the "Arte y pico" award. Look, it comes with this real live award I get to put on my page here!...

Isn't she pretty?
I feel especially honored because I haven't been around for so long, and it means a lot to me that someone took the time to come back here and even remember me. Of course, she is one of my facebook friends, which I seem to have gravitated to lately, so perhaps that is why she thought of me. :) Regardless, the fact that she has paid attention to my paintings and thought to include me in this round of award giving...means the world to me.

There's rules though... ;)
I must now give the award to five other artsy bloggers....and other stuff. And since I'm a little rusty on the "how to's" of blogging I'll just copy what she wrote here first:

1) Award five blogs that contribute to the blogging community through creativity, design, and interesting material, regardless of language.
2) Name each of the five blog authors and provide a link to his or her blog.
3) Award recipients must show the Arte y Pico Award image and the name of the award-giving blog author, as well as the award-giving blog author’s blog link.
4) Award recipients must provide a link to the Arte y Pico blog.
5) Award recipients must show these rules.

1) I will pick bluetreeart first... because I always thought it was so nifty that she inspires so many artist's through her "other" blog about being creative every day. Next I will go with "failed painter" though a failed painter she is not! Third you must check out djkreutzer and her beautiful view of life. Number four: Aprovechar If I remember correctly she has a few blogs....must browse around. ;) and last but not least... creatrix jane! :)

Sheesh, I can think of five more now that I'm looking around again. Perhaps I will have to do a part two. I think I've followed all the rules now. I think. I'll have to double check my work later...



Denise said...

Oh I am so glad to see you back!!!!!And many thanks!


AscenderRisesAbove said...

looking forward to looking at those you have chosen; I think I have only seen one of those blogs before. That is what is so great about these awards - getting out of your circle of blogs and exploring some new ones. Thanks for playing along and all your kind words!

Alissa said...

Gee, thanks! I'll have to think on blogs to award...

daisies said...

awwwwwwww .. thanks honey!! nice to see you here :) smooches!!

AscenderRisesAbove said...

those were some great blogs; i had a good time looking at them. thanks for playing along. met some new people.

that is crazy about the poet being your dads teacher. i had something similar a while back. i read a book something like twenty years prior and kept it around; showed it to a friend of mine - some twenty years later and the author was a professor of hers. crazy I tell ya!